Take Time to Unplug

Mental Health Reminder! Remember to take time to unplug. Everywhere you turn, we are buried in our phones, laptops, tablets, headphones, and other tech devices. Some would even say we are obsessed!! We love all the benefits, but in reality, they contribute to many physical and mental health issues: eye strain, headaches, poor sleep, physical inactivity, isolation, distracted driving, neck and back pain, and so many others! ⁣ ⁣

Just like our devices our brains need a reboot, a break, and time to "recharge".

Take some time this weekend to unplug and recharge your mental and physical health. Here are a few tips that can help --->⁣ ⁣

✔ Journaling, writing down all your feelings or starting a gratitude journal 📝⁣

✔ Take a walk in nature, or simply sit on a park bench and take in all the sounds and sights that you see 🌸⁣

✔ Read a good book 📚⁣

✔ Meditate, focus on your breathing 🧘🏽‍♀️ 🧘🏻‍♂️⁣

✔ Prayer, deepen your spiritual relationship 🙏🏼⁣

✔ Play a game, board game, or card game 🃏♟️⁣

✔ Develop your personal goals, write them down, or create a vision board 💯⁣

✔ Be active, go hiking 🥾 or a bike ride 🚲⁣

✔ Color with colored pencils or crayons 🖍 or paint 🎨⁣

✔ Put together a puzzle 🧩

✔ Treat yourself to a home spa day 🧖🏽⁣
✔ Bake your favorite cookies 🍪⁣ ⁣ ....And so many other fun ways to unplug, what are some of your favorite ways to unplug and take a break?

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